
Annual Emissions Reporting

Annual Emissions Reporting (AER) Overview


The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) Annual Emissions Reporting (AER) program was developed to track emissions of air contaminants from permitted facilities.  Fees for emissions of air contaminants are assessed based on the reported data. These fees help to cover the costs of evaluating, planning, inspecting, and monitoring air quality efforts.  Under this program, those who emit more, pay more toward air pollution control efforts – and at the same time are given an incentive to reduce emissions.

The data collected by AER is used to update the comprehensive emissions inventory for the South Coast AQMD, which includes Orange County, the non-desert portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, and the Riverside County areas west of the Palo Verde Valley.

This annual emissions inventory of pollutants and source categories is essential to effectively design and evaluate clean air strategies to comply with state and federal public health standards.  The compiled inventory is published in each update of the Air Quality Management Plan.

The South Coast AQMD requires the filing of an Annual Emissions Report and payment of annual fees based on a facility's emission of air contaminants, as specified in Rule 301, subdivision (e).  Facilities required to file an annual emissions report include the following:

  • Every facility that has estimated annual emissions of four (4) or more tons of either sulfur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), specific organics (SPOG), particulate matter (PM), or emissions of 100 tons per year or more of carbon monoxide (CO).

  • Every facility subject to the AB 2588 Program for reporting quadrennial updates to its toxics emissions inventory (per Health and Safety Code Section 44344).

  • Every facility subject to CARB's Criteria and Toxics Emission Reporting (CTR) Regulation (CTR requirements are being phased in for various facility types over several years).

Furthermore, facilities are required to report their emissions (both criteria and toxics) for the calendar year and pay applicable emission fees using the current fee rate specified in Tables III and IV of Rule 301(e).  

Data Year (DY) 2023 AER Program

  • Reports and any associated fees are due by 5:00 p.m. on March 26th, 2024.

  • The AER submitted for this upcoming reporting period applies to calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023).

  • AB 2588 Facilities: For DY2023 AER, facilities in Phase 1A are required to file their Quadrennial Report.

    Data Year (DY) 2023 AER Workshop


    AER WebTool Resources

    AER WebTool

    South Coast AQMD has developed a web-based emissions reporting tool to assist facilities enter operational data, calculate emissions and fees, and submit the Annual Emissions Report.


    Users can become familiar with the tool and the AER program by accessing the resources below which include tutorial videos, help & support documents, technical guidance documents, and other useful information. The web-based reporting tool can be accessed at the link above. Users must register to use the AER WebTool.

    Tutorial Videos on AER WebTool Functionality

    button_tutorial-videos (1)

    General Help and Support Documents

    Document Name 

    Revision Date File Type, File Size 
    Help & Support Jan. 2023 PDF, 11 MB
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  Mar. 2023  PDF, 2.1 MB
    Abbreviated Reporting Dec. 2022 PDF, 4 MB
    Core CTR Reporting Dec. 2022 PDF, 2 MB
    Additional Toxic Substances Production and Usage Feb. 2023 PDF, 253 kB
    Exemptions From Annual Emissions Reporting Mar. 2023 PDF, 1.6 MB
    AB 2588 Quadrennial Reporting Procedures Jun. 2020 PDF, 598 kB
    Importing Previous Year's Data Dec. 2022 PDF, 692 kB
    How to Amend an Annual Emissions Report Dec. 2022 PDF, 864 kB
    Storage Tank Emissions Batch Upload File Dec. 2020 XLS, 305 kB
    Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) List May 2024 XLSX, 58 kB
    Molecular Weight Corrections Jan. 2023 XLSX, 12 kB

    Guideline Documents for Facility Specific Operations

    Document Name

    Description and Applicable Equipment/Processes/Activities

    Revision Date

    File Type, Size 

     Organic Materials
    Use of Material Containing Organic Compounds Spray booths, open spray, powder coatings Dec. 2016 PDF, 781 kB
    VOC Default Emission Factors for Organic Containing Material VOC and PM calculations for auto, wood, metal, and other surface coatings. Inks, solvents, and resins that contain VOCs Dec. 2014 PDF, 445 kB
    Lithographic Printing   Dec. 2019 PDF, 1.3 MB
    Paint, Resin, and Ink Manufacturing Operations   Dec. 2014 PDF, 166 kB
    Polyester Resin Operations   Dec. 2019 PDF, 372 kB
     Refinery, Oil, & Gas
    Fuel Dispensing Operations Retail and non retail gasoline and diesel dispensing, not bulk loading Dec. 2022 PDF, 1 MB
    Refinery Flare Emissions   Dec. 2022 PDF, 1 MB
    Miscellaneous Refinery Operations API separators, cooling towers, open ponds/ditches, clean-out sumps Dec. 2014 PDF, 181 kB
    Importing Storage Tank Data into AER Reporting Tool  Petroleum storage tanks, fixed roof tanks, floating roof tanks, etc. using EPA TANKS 4.0.9d for emission calculations Dec. 2020 PDF 1 MB
    Bulk Loading Operations  For gasoline dispensing operations, please see fuel dispensing operations guidance above Nov. 2017 PDF, 1.3 MB
    Liquid Organic Storage Tanks  Petroleum storage tanks, fixed roof tanks, floating roof tanks, etc. Dec. 2022 PDF, 362 kB
    VOC Emissions from Component Leaks  Fugitive emissions from components at oil, gas, and refinery facilities Feb. 2015 PDF, 1.6 MB
    Miscellaneous Processes at Oil Gas Production Plants  API separators, open ponds/ditches, sumps, well head, well cellars. Dec. 2014 PDF, 416 kB
    Internal Combustion Engines  Generators, fire pumps, turbines Mar. 2023 PDF, 944 kB
    Crematory Operations  PM, VOC, and toxics emissions from human and animal cremation Apr. 2023 PDF, 4.9 MB
    Portable Equipment  Reporting rules for permitted and unpermitted portable equipment including PERP and various locations permits Apr. 2023 PDF, 182 kB
    Default Combustion Emission Factors  Tables of all default combustion emission factors used in the AER reporting tool Jan. 2023 PDF, 215 kB
    Cooling Towers HVAC, Refineries, and other industrial cooling  Dec. 2022  PDF, 1 MB
    Dry Cleaning Operations   Mar. 2023 PDF, 687 kB
    PM Emission Factors for Aggregate Operations Fugitive dust from roads, storage, mining, loading/unloading, transfer points, crushing, screening, driers and kilns Dec. 2021 PDF, 287 kB
    Abrasive Blasting Operations Blasting cabinets, wet blasting, open-air blasting  Dec. 2014 PDF, 194 kB
    Dairy, Swine, and Poultry Farm Operations  PM and VOC emissions for farm operations Dec. 2022 PDF, 2 MB
    Plating and Process Tanks Plating, anodizing, etching, sparging, heating Feb. 2022 PDF, 180 kB
    Green Waste Composting and Co-Composting Operations    Feb. 2023 PDF, 2.7 MB
    Asbestos Abatement (Demolition) Operations    Dec. 2020 PDF, 77 kB
    Multiple Identical Equipment  Policy on reporting for multiple equipment with identical permit descriptions Dec. 2014 PDF, 926 kB
    Non-Combustion RECLAIM Sources    Dec.2021 PDF, 882 kB
    EPA Default Stack Parameters by SCC (Excel) Stack parameters (height, diameter, temperature, and velocity) based on activity code; for use in Emissions Release Locations page available for Core CTR facilities only Apr. 2023 XLSX, 478 kB

    Other Useful Information

    South Coast AQMD Rule 301 - South Coast AQMD Fee Rule

    Guidance on CARB's Criteria and Toxics Reporting (CTR) Regulation

    Emissions Data Inquiry System - Annual totals of both criteria and toxic pollutants for each reporting facility, and each reporting year since fiscal year 2000-2001, are available to the public through an online search application. 

    EPA, AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors - The primary compilation of EPA's emission factor information which contains emission factors and process information for more than 200 air pollution source categories.

    Newsletter Sign Up
    Periodic newsletter updates via Email on a variety of air quality-related topics

    South Coast Air Quality Management District

    21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



    © 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District